Each author will have for presentation of their:
- Full Paper: 20 minutes to present his research results, followed by 5 minutes discussions.
- Short Paper: 10 minutes to present his research results, followed by 5 minutes discussions.
Each room will have projectors (16:9 aspect ratio) and a PC, connected with HDMI cable, with PPT(X), ODP and PDF facilities. In addition you will be able to connect your laptop via a HDMI or VGA cable . Should you require any additional equipment please let us know:
Software available on provided presentation notebooks:
- Windows 10
- Microsoft Office 2016 or newer
- Adobe Reader
- Firefox and Chrome
To ensure an efficient session, we kindly ask any presenters to copy their presentation on the presentation notebook before session beginning.
The presenters have the task to present the main results of the entire session (not each individual paper) as a pitch in the conference closing session. For this, they need to discuss the main findings and summarize them. One (or more) of the presenters will have to present the session results (max. 5 mins / 2 slides!). The best session presentation will be awarded a price.